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Qipalms Welcomes You

Upcoming Events



Fri 3 MAY - SUN 5 MAY 2024

Fri 9am - 5pm

Sat - Sun 8am - 5pm

Day 1: Crystal Awareness Foundation Course

Days 2 - 3

 Crystal Dreaming® Practitioner Training

Full 3 days training: $650


Noosa area, Sunshine Coast



TUE 14 - WED 15 May

9.15AM - 5.00PM


Learn the beautiful healing modality of Pellowah. Enhance your intuition & inner strength, & balance your chakras. Learn powerful symbols & lift your consciousness to the next level.

Receive Level 1 and Level 2 Attunements.

$200 per day


Noosa area, Sunshine Coast



FRIDAY 17 MAY 2024

9.30AM - 1.00PM

A collection of nourishing, foundational Qigong practices from the Open Sky Qigong

program to calm, restore and balance self

$50 per person


Noosa area, Sunshine Coast

What is Qipalms?

I am passionate about the innate natural healing capacity we each have inside of us. My need for healing became apparent quite early on in my life, yet I didn't embrace the opportunity to become an active part of my own healing until I was in my early adult years. Whilst I started my professional life in the Corporate arena following a 3 year Bachelor degree, my life changed direction when I was led along a life-changing journey of discovery in holistic healing. With doctors eventually unable to provide effective treatment, I looked within and with assistance and guidance from various alternative health practitioners, I found my own pathway to wellness. 

My real healing began when I discovered Qigong over 17 years ago, and my passion for this transformative holistic modality continues to this day. Around the same time I found Reiki, and again my wellness journey was supported with this beautiful, healing energy. Around 8 years ago I trained in Crystal Dreaming, after being called to it for some time prior. Now an advanced Practitioner and Crystal Dreaming Teacher, I am in awe of this incredible healing and life transformative process. Finally, I am currently training with Inna Segal, best selling author and intuitive healing coach,  integrating and building on years of powerful, personal practice with her work. 


With a genuine passion for holistic wellness, I facilitate Qigong classes, workshops and treatments for adults and children, Reiki treatments and training for both adults and children, Crystal Dreaming Sessions and Practitioner Training, and very close to my heart, monthly Community Wellness days with other natural wellness practitioners, promoting holistic wellness and wellbeing within our local community. 

In an endeavour to inspire others and encourage their own personal healing journeys, I have also written a book outlining the key steps I took to uncover my wellness journey along with practical exercises to assist the reader to find their own way to wellness. Journeying to Wellness was the fulfilment of a promise, that if I found a way back to wellness, I vowed I would share it with the world around me.

Qi and wellness blessings,
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Inspired by my own wellness journey, I wrote this self-help book to guide the reader through the steps involved in finding their own unique journey to achieve optimal wellness. With real-life experiences from my own wellness journey and practical exercises for the reader through-out the book, this is a valuable resource for anyone looking to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

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